SWISS: 300 tickets to win


SWISS launches "Seats for Switzerland", a competition that allows participants to earn 300 free airline tickets to celebrate a reunion with one or more people off.
From 2 September 2013, anyone who wishes to review a family member, a former classmate or a childhood sweetheart who left Switzerland is eligible to win one of 300 free airline tickets offered by the Swiss company, subsidiary the German Lufthansa. Anyone can apply to obtain up to four tickets writing on "Seats for Switzerland" a statement of the reasons you want a reunion. Its history will be evaluated by a jury of SWISS. The chances of winning can be increased by asking the public to vote for its own history. If 50 people vote for the story, the "candidate" sees rewarded with one additional vote from the jury. The stories must be submitted by October 6, 2013 and can be assessed until 13 October 2013.
"Through this transaction, SWISS demonstrates its commitment to the Swiss population, while thanking her for her loyalty. The campaign will begin with the first TV spot inspired the rebranding of the brand SWISS. Everything will be accompanied by various communication and cooperation throughout Switzerland ", says the company in a statement.